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Jason Stone

I have worked for the John Lewis Partnership for my entire working career; I started part-time during my A levels, joining the management scheme post education and progressing my way up to Branch Manager after 12 years. For the last 4 years I have worked in a central head office role.

During my 12 years, I have been fortunate to acquire a number of diverse and transferable skills. I have a wealth of experience relating to security, health & safety, food safety & hygiene as well as HR. Having most recently led a store in central Oxford, I am familiar with staff recruitment and retention challenges and was able to build a strategy steadily reducing staff turnover and improving attraction.

More recently I have been in a central implementation role. Some notable skills regularly required in my current role are clear written communication to a wide and diverse audience, effective planning and delivery as well as impact assessing how the change implementation could affect different areas and stakeholders within the business.