Please click on each Governor to read more about them
Governing Body
Emma Burley
Governors link the school with the community and play a key role in the effectiveness of the school. The governing board’s job is to look at all aspects of the school’s performance and ensure it is achieving its full potential, as well as working with the Principal and Senior Leadership Team to provide strategic leadership and accountability.
Governors core strategic functions are:
- Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
- Holding the Principal and Senior Leadership Team to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils and the performance management of staff
- Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent
The Principal is an ex-officio governor by virtue of office. Co-opted governors and associate members are appointed by the governing board, the staff governor is elected by other staff members and parent governors are elected by parents/carers of children at The Vale Federation. All Governors are bound by the Governors Code of Conduct. The Governing Body of The Vale Federation has adopted the Code of Conduct from Buckinghamshire Learning Trust, based on the seven principles of Public Life and adapted from the NGA’s Code of Conduct for school Governing Bodies – Approved by the School Governance Consultative Board and the Bucks Association of School Governors. The term of office for all categories of governor is a fixed period of 4 years