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Dave Pearce

Dave Pearce (Chair of Governors)

I am married with four children. After graduating from University, I spent 34 years in the financial services industry, working for several different life assurance, investments and pensions firms, in a range of head office and customer servicing roles. During this period, I worked as a Risk Director, responsible for providing oversight and challenge of the firm’s systems of governance and business performance.

My interests include youth work, having been a Sunday School teacher for 20 years and ran a Youth Group for nine years, sport (mainly watching these days), campanology, walking and natural history.

One of my sons is severely autistic, and attended Booker Park School a dozen years ago. My experience with my son, combined with an appreciation of the value of education and learning, mean that following my retirement I am keen to play my part in serving the local community and in assisting our young people in fulfilling their potential.